Mental Health Resources
It is really important to find ways to look after our mental and emotional health, as well as our physical health, during isolation. Here are some resources that you might find helpful. They have been recommended by professionals working in this field.
How to get Bangladeshi men talking about mental health - BBC News
Helpful advice from Samaritans charity:
Advice for parents supporting children's mental health during lockdown:
Father Jamieson is a Benedictine monk who has put together some resources on how we can learn from monastic living at this time
Helpful Christian prayer & meditation excercises for those dealing with mental health struggles:
‘Pray As You Stay’: a Christian Prayer Guide of audio podcasts to help support you during this time of self-isolation, fear and loneliness.
Mental Health Support: Tower Hamlets Talking Therapies is open to referrals as usual. Assessment and therapy is available by telephone, video or online. Patients can self-refer via the website: or by telephone 020 8475 8080. Also check out tips from Mind and Every Mind Matters