I need help with food...
FoodHubs in Shadwell
Darul Ummah Covid-19 Hub
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Darul Ummah Hub is helping those who are elderly and vulnerable through delivering shopping, medication, hot food and befriending. The hub is open every Tuesday 11.30-2pm.
If you have any queries, please contact Darul Ummah Hub on hub@darulummah.org.uk or call 07342725866
St George-in-the-East Hub
If you are in need of emergency food, come along to St George-in-the-East Church on Thursday afternoons between 2-4pm. No referral needed.
Email katie@stgeorgeintheeast.org or call 020 7481 1345 for more information.

Foodbank Provision
Below is a list of contact details for foodbanks distributing food parcels to families in severe need.
Osmani Foodbank: Food collection every Wednesday 12-3pm, Osmani Centre, 58 Underwood Road, London E1 5AW
Email: eet@osmanitrust.org
St Matthew’s Bethnal Green: The Bethnal Green Food Bank is open the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, from 10am-12pm, at St Matthew’s Church. Referrals are not necessary. Deliveries are available.
St Matthew's Row, Bethnal Green, London E2 6DT
Email: bethnalgreenfoodbank@gmail.com.
First Love Foundation. Offering deliveries to vulnerable individuals who are self-isolating or experiencing income shock. Fill out advance referral form https://firstlovefoundation.typeform.com/to/fmNvNC​
Email contact distributor@firstlovefoundation.org.uk or call:
St Dunstan’s Church Foodbank, Stepney: Open for provision and donations. Provided staff remain well it will be open Tuesday 10-4pm, Wednesday 10-4pm, Thursday 10-4pm, Friday 10-4pm Saturday 10-3pm. If you would like to request a delivery call 0207 702 8685.
St Dunstan’s and All Saints, Stepney, Stepney High St, London E1 0NR,
Bow Church Foodbank: Remains open to all in need (no referrals necessary) every Monday between 9.30-12.30am. Packs of 10 items will be distributed to households in need, currently no capacity for home deliveries.
Location: Bromley-by-Bow Community Centre, St Leonard's Street, E3 3BT
contact us by email at info@bowfoodbank.org
Want to support our local foodbanks?
Click here to find out more information about volunteering, and here for ways to donate.
For more information about emergency food provision in Tower Hamlets, download this guide put together by the Tower Hamlets Food Partnership.
COVID-19 Food Parcels for over 65+ years living in Tower Hamlets: Aishah Help
There’s a lot going on at the moment, but one of the things that is making people anxious is how they will do their shopping. Aishah help have put together a project for residents of Tower Hamlets that are 65+ years, have underlying health issues and in isolation due to COVID-19.
If you are 65+ years, have underlying health issues that make you vulnerable and you require a food parcel click on the link below to register.
020 8088 7650
Free School Meals: Summer Holidays
If your child(ren) are going to be receiving free school meals over the summer holidays through the Government's voucher scheme, you can download THIS guide to help you access and redeem your code.
If you would like to view more detailed instructions, click here.
Your voucher can be redeemed at the following stores
Once you have received your voucher, you will be able to redeem them in store at the selected retailer by either:
presenting the voucher on a smartphone or tablet
presenting a paper copy of the voucher
If you are in urgent need of support, and are not able to access vouchers, fill out the Tower Hamlets self-referral form or call 020 7364 3030 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm; Saturday, 10am to 5pm; Sunday, 10am to 4pm).
To learn more about the support available to families, and help with redeeming food vouchers, contact Tower Hamlets Council's Family Information Service on 020 7364 6495, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Food Deliveries
If you are self-isolating and struggling to get out to buy food, click here for a list of local suppliers who will do door to door deliveries.
Why not also have a look at Dishpatch. It's an online directory that allows you to search for local independent food and drink suppliers that offer a delivery service.
The site is easy to use. Simply enter your postcode and the type of produce you’re looking for and you'll see a list of retailers who operate in your area.